Have you ever felt like your voice didn't matter? Like you were too small, too insignificant to make a difference?

If so, you're not alone. But the truth is, your voice is powerful. And when we come together, our voices are even more powerful.

That's why we're launching the We Are One Voice fundraising campaign to support our work creating an ecosystem of students who are empowered to create change in their communities.

Only One Voice

I am only one voice
Tiny, timid, trembling
I am only one voice
Nobody will hear me
I am only one voice
I won’t be understood
I am only one voice
and the problem is overwhelming
I am only one voice
What difference can I make?
I am only one voice
A little speck in a big world
I am only one voice
But my voice matters
I am only one voice
One voice is always the start
I am only one voice
But I am not alone
I am only one voice
I will speak louder
I am only one voice
I will make them listen
I am only one voice
I am only one voice
But we have only one planet
We are ONE voice
No longer tiny
We are ONE voice
No longer timid
We are ONE voice
Sometimes still trembling
We are ONE voice
Amplifying others you choose not to hear
We are ONE voice
Trying to save our one planet
We are ONE voice
No longer alone

Share Your Voice

As we close out 2023, we want to bring more of your voices into the conversation & share what’s important to you with our community. 

Which issue connected to factory farming is most important to you?

Describe in one word how New Roots Institute inspires you.

Prompt number 2

Prompt number 3

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